Thursday, February 25, 2010

6.5 Lighthouse

I liked this episode. As I said before, season 6 Jack is more likable to me. A lot of shout outs to season 1 in this episode.

His alternate universe son looks just like him but I'm dying to know who the mom is. Maybe Juliet? That would be interesting. More daddy issues passed down of course, but it was weird seeing Dogen at the audition.

Wild Claire is definitely infected if infected means ca-ray-zee. So she knows "her friend" isn't John. I want to know how much does she know. And why is she all "WHERE'S MY BAYBEEE" when she walked away from him and her dad said that Aaron was where he's supposed to be and she was all fine in the cabin. I'm not the biggest Kate fan but she should be thanking her for taking her kid in, not killing her.

Hugo rocked this episode, once again. I loved the part with "cause I'm a fan of history and Indiana Jones' stuff" Also when he told Dogen he was a candidate, and why doesn't HE go to the courtyard? I loved that part!

So who is coming to the island? Is it Desmond? Ellie? Whidmore? I hope it's Des!

I really wish Jack looked at who was at 108! Maybe it's Hume? I wanted to play around with that before he smashed it. I guess we know now that they've been watching them for all this time, for sure. I think his frustration/mirror breaking is how a lot of fans feel about getting answers as well.

Jin's leg looked OUCH but Is he smart enough to out wit Claire and NotLocke? Plus where's Sawyer now, doing what?

So is everyone at the temple doomed now or what? Why is everyone staring at Sayid? What will happen to him and Miles?

This was a Jack-centric episode but Hurley was the star for me.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6.4 The Substitute

I finally got to watch this episode today. I love a Locke episode. In this case, a Locke/NotLocke episode. A lot more of the "chance" encounters of our Lostees off Island in the alternate universe.

I thought that alternate Locke would be happy and he was in the way that he was with Helen, but his bad luck with the van mechanism and his "douche" boss was in kind with the old Locke. I kind of wish he did call Jack and maybe he will somehow. I love him and Helen together and I hope we get to see them get married.

Hurley the CEO was cool even with the mutton chop sideburns. He's so lucky that Locke's van stops just short of scratching his hummer.

I want John Locke as my substitute teacher. Ben Linus too. I loved that bit. Change the filters, people!

On Island, Richard whose always been calm and in control, was freaking out and terrified. That freaks me out. I wish Sawyer went with him. I liked him trying to help but then running for his life.

Who was the kid? He looked a lot like Jacob to me. Who did he mean by him, when he said, "You know the rules, you can't kill him". Did he mean Sawyer? Richard? Jacob?

Ilana seems to know a lot, yet no one asks her a lot of questions, as usual. I almost cried when they buried John. It was so sad. No one had anything to say except for Ben. "He was a better man than I'll ever be, and I'm sorry I murdered him" I wonder if he meant that. Frank with the one-liners, "Weirdest funeral I've ever been to".

I liked how Sawyer, even drunk, knew it wasn't really Locke. I'd like to think that Sawyer, the slick conman that he is, won't be duped by NotLocke. He's gone for Mr. Ford when he's most vulnerable but I still think he's not that stupid. The whole scene with the ladder/cliff was nerve wracking. I hate scenes like that, make me nervous.

So Jacob had another secret crib in the cliff. I think NotLocke throwing the white rock was symbolic. He feel's he's defeated Jacob. We'll see. So the original List is shown.

4- Locke
8- Reyes
15- Ford
16- Jarrah
23- Shepherd
42- Kwon

The numbers are back in play. Kate Austen isn't on the ceiling? I saw Goodspeed up there!

Now NotLocke gives James 3 choices. It's obvious he wants him to pick # 3.

1) Just do nothing and watch from the sidelines
2) Take over Jacob's job as the Island protector from nothing.
3) Go home with NotLocke. Where's home?!

It seems for now that Sawyer's chosen going home.
I can't wait for more Locke and I really want to see how Desmond plays into all of this. What about Widmore....What was his convo with Sun about? Will we see Daniel again? I hope so, he was great!

I'm so glad I have just one day till the next episode!

Monday, February 15, 2010


I'm going out of town for a few days so I won't be able to watch lost or post about it till I get back. Just in case anyone was hanging on my ever word .:P

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

6.3 What Kate Does

Wow! The last 15 minutes were the best!

Miles wins best line of the episode with "As you can see Hurley has taken the leadership role, and that's so great" AH, I loved his delivery. Also, "We'll be in the food court if you need us." Miles has few lines, but what lines he has, are great!

Claire is the new Russau!? Who or what is the darkness in Sayid? What the hell is going ON?!

I really really, really can't wait to see Jin and Sun reunite! I loved "Who do you care about" I thought she'd say "Myself", it's probably what she was thinking. But ouch on that trap Jin stepped into. Let's hope Claire has Russau's skills.

Sawyer just broke. My. Heart with that scene at the dock. I've never seen Josh Holloway act so well and I cried like a baby right along with him

Kate on the other hand, should let the body get cold! God, just let him grieve. He said he wanted to be alone. PLEASE don't have him get over Juliet and love Kate all of a sudden.

Dogen(?) is starting to grow on me. I want to trust him. What did he mean, he was brought to the island like everyone else?He's like Mr. Miagi. Tells you to trust him and it's good for you. Plus he knows that Claire is Jack's sister. And is speaking more English. What about Smithers? Er, I mean Lennon. What's his deal?

I want to know why Sayid has to take the darkness killing poison willingly. Does it contain the magic ash? Seeing him be burned was pretty unsettling and I can't wait to find out what the infection is. Does it claim anyone who dies? Did Claire die in the explosion in the barracks and was claimed later? Does this have anything to do with why bodies were important between Dharma and the Others?

I am actually enjoying Jack this season, he's definitely on the road to redemption.

The off Island story seemed to drag but I loved the part where Ethan Goodspeed is Claire's ob and "doesn't want to stick her with needles if he doesn't have to" Ah I love it. Still creepy, Ethan.

You can see how the alternate realities are bleeding into each other. Kate looked at Jack at the airport taxi line with a decided look of recognition. Claire, just knew her son's name was Aaron and it looks like she'll be keeping him. Kate felt a connection too. I'm pretty sure Aaron had that stuffed whale toy in season 5, too.

Once again, well played, show. Well played.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

6.1 & 6.2 LA X

Previously, on Lost...we were confused. This just in...we still are but I love it.

This premier was supposed to start answering questions, and there were some answers for sure, but as usual we got more questions.

Terry O'Quinn rocked as usual. He can play deviously evil Black shirt and kind John. He needs another Emmy.

When the episode started with a plane window I was like, wow. So they went with the landing safely in LAX route. It was all creepily familiar and I sensed Jack felt a little de-ja-vu. Except his hair's too long. I guess if he had cut it it wouldn't make sense either.

I love the Rose-Bernard stuff. They are just so adorable! Does Rose have cancer though?

When Jack goes to the airplane bathroom, he looks at himself for a second before noticing the blood. Does he look older? The blood is kind of something that's crossed over from the other reality.

Des! It was great to see Desmond. I don't know if he was there there or time skipping there. But I suppose he wouldnt time skip if he was never on the island or turned the key. He must have just changed seats again later. Jack recognized him but it was more likely from the stadium run than from any alternate reality. Where does this leave Penny?

The cartoony under water island was lols. Was that a Dharma shark? More mystery.

I guess the blast or time jump or whatever happened landed Kate in a tree a la Bernard circa season 1. When her hearing was off I kept trying to fix my speakers. Yay for miles, I like that sarcastic s.o.b.

So they are at the hatch. I was thinking some went back in time and some stayed until they showed everyone in both realities. Josh Holloway played Sawyer's heartbroken/angry pretty well.

So alternate realities. Interesting. We all thought they'd have to go either this way or that, but they did both. Simultaneously. Flash backs then flash forwards and now FLASH PARALELLS! This feels very Sliding Doors.

Hey it's Doc Artz! I hope Sawyer doesn't take advantage of Hurley and his lucky self. It's clear some things in the new alternate reality 815 flight are different.

Back on the Island Sayid's still bleeding to death and Jin's English is really good.

I do wish they would hurry up and help Sayid already. Last season finale they were all arguing while he bled. Couldn't Jack go check on Sayid while the rest of them uncovered Juliet?

Lol at Hurley and the gun. I was so worried he'd accidentily shoot someone but I knew he was no Ana Lucia. Hey, it's my man Jacob.

So Alt reality Jin is back to being a bit of a jerk and I nearly cry when they show John.

BOOOOOOOONEEE! Another thing that changed is Shanon not coming with him. I guess she was busy? When John talked about the walk about and when he was seated in the middle of the regular plane rows, I though hey maybe he's not paralyzed in this reality. No such luck though. I

I suppose he lied to Boone because he wishes it was so. Is there any way he could do a walk about type thing in a wheel chair? Unlikely. I laughed at "pulling my leg" though. Cause of the way Boone died on the island. Also Frogurt!

Black Shirt/Not John cuts a rug, literally in the foot room. Ben looks in total shock. There aren't any remains of Jacob in the fire though. Ben looks to be as confused as I am.

Does no one care about poor bleeding Sayid?? At least Jacob does. Heed his words Hurley, I like that they are using the ghost whisperers here. So Jacob confirms that he's indeed dead.

The VW van comes to the rescue again.

Back on the plane, Dr. Jack is doing a bit of rescue of his own. YAY Charlie! We missed ya.
I wonder why he said "I was supposed to die"? He was obviously trying to smuggle smack and choked on it during turbulence. Hmm.

So Juliet's alive. So It was weird to have them show Juliet just to have her die, again (how many times is this?) but I guess they had to have her there to get her message across.

How long does embalming last? Dead John looks pretty fresh. Richard wants to know what happened and he's losing patience with Ben. I loved when he threw him down to see Locke in the box.

Also, Jin and Sun are in the same time now right?? Right??!!

Back inside the foot, NotJohn is getting down to business when we hear the clicking sounds of none other than Smokey. Smokey kicks ass and doesn't bother to take names. An idiot shoots at the smoke. Bram temporarily protects himself with the ash, but it doesn't work for long. Ben pees himself.

Back at the Swan station site, Juliet is starting to be incoherent. I think in that moment before death she was crossing over into the alternate reality and that's how she knew "It worked".

Juliet dies, why don't they take her to the temple as well? Juliet wasn't touched by a Jacob, remember? I guess it doesn't help that doesn't have a contract.

Back on the plane, I'm wondering where's Claire? What about Libby, Ecko and, heck even Ana Lucia? I hope they have more up their sleeves during the season. I wanted to see Michael and Walt as well but I guess it would be hard since Walt is like 20 now.

Captain Norris ! I'm pretty sure that was Greg Grunberg's voice.

I loved the closing scenes, Sayid looking at Nadia's picture, Jin and the watch, Landing safely and everyone getting off, and the heartbreaking moment when John get's in his wheelchair.


They finally start to think about Sayid and Hurley takes charge when Jack isn't able to.
Hurley confirms that it's not a guitar in the guitar case. Sawyer's even more tortured now and isn't following anybody. I doubted that, then.

At the airport: Oceanic screws up or something spooky is going on with Christian Shepard's coffin. Or body. Remember the coffin was on the island, in the wreckage, but not the body.

So they reach the Temple. You would think someone would spakle that hole up. Oooh Montand's skelleton. How do they even know which way to go, its like a maze...a dark one

Who the hell are these people? And why are they dressed so stupid?

So Kate's gonna run. Its what she does best. This Marshall must be the worst marshall ever. I mean Kate's good but she's escaped from him several times!

In the elevator, Sawyer clearly sees she's cuffed and helps her escape. At least we know that he's still the upstanding citizen he's always been.

Island time...

James forces Miles to tell him what Juliet said. It's haunting when he says it!

So Cindy shows up, and so do the kids, back at the temple. Thank you. That always bothered me.

I know there were Others at the Temple but I don't get who this Kung Fu Samurai guy is. Or his lackey.

So we find out what's in the guitar case. A big old Ankh. I first thought it was a kind of key or something but it held the LIST!

I wonder now if Sun learned English in this reality and just isn't saying because she doesn't want to help Jin or be with him? Or does she just not speak it in this reality?

Back to the Temple, their indoor pool looks pretty gross. I wonder if the dark water means Jacob isn't in control? So it's healing water. Ok.

Again, like with Ben, no one asks what risks? Does that mean Sayid will always be an Other? Like Ben?

Watching them heal/drown Sayid was unsettling. Then annouce...You're friend is dead....Ya think?

Jacks got a lot of guilt right now, about Juliet, about Sayid. He's going to redeem himself this season, i know it. But Sayid can not be dead, he just can't.

At the airport, Kate makes a run for it, and OMG CLAIRE!

He doesn't like the way English tastes on his tongue? I don't like this guy but it will be interesting to see how his character develops.

As soon as they find out Jacob is dead so they surround the place with ash to keep blackshirt/smokey out.

Ben wants answers and NotJohn is creepy as ever interesting that his shirt is black/grey
How does NotJohn know all about Real John's life? Locke was NOT the only one who wanted to stay on the island though Walt wanted to. So did Rose and Bernard.

So he wants to go home. Where's home? That last look was pure evil.

Miles was looking at Sayid was like, I can't get a reading on this one!

When Sawyer said he changed his mind about killing Jack, I thought maybe he was thinking about "it worked" He never would have really killed him anyway.

Richard is about to lose his shit when he sees the smoke signal/flare thing. "Nice to see you out of those chains?" At first I thought it meant he was a slave long ago, that could be true but it could also be a metaphor. Since he was under Jacob's rule for so long. NotJohn knocks him out. Was that really necessary?

Sayid is alive??!!! Is he really Sayid though? He could be Jacob? Or Widmore? or any number of people! I just want him to stay Sayid though. And continue his badasskickery.

SUCH a good start to the final season but I worry about they wrapping this up? I don't expect nor do I want everything to be tied up in a pretty bow but there needs to be just one reality, me thinks.

Bravo, show! You continue to amuse and confuse me.

PS. Where's Vincent? Also is Daniel Faraday gonna show up?